Well since I have been reading my reviews on stuff seeing what the people like and what they don't like. I will be doing another Iron woman this time and even an Iron Man. I am also working on some more Mass Effect themed stuff along with some stuff from Aliens and Predators. Also thinking of making some custom heros after just seeing Kick Ass yesterday.
I am also open to any suggestions by other users and open to commission artwork or even if you want something built in Second Life just hit me a message on here. Now to what I have been up too since the last submission. Well I saw Kick Ass and I have to say stayed as true to the comic as possible with the time constraint and was pretty KICK ASS!
I also think I might do something for the fans of a classic movie that last year had a game come out. All I got to say about it is Who You Going to Call.....................
Update: Here is a poster of what I will be doing stuff from. I will do at least three from each one but maybe not all at once but eventually.
so hey are we going to talk about 3d or not?
No not really since I seem to keep getting unscouted for no reason.